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Peoples' SDGs Festival, Uganda

In 2023, the first ever SDG Festivals were held in 5 different locations in Uganda. The festivals were initiated by a group of SDG Champions who came to Denmark on the 4-week Danida Fellowship Learning Program in June 2022, where they took part in our SDG Platform at Bornholm.
While in Denmark, they came up with at joint initiative to conduct a series of SDG festivals in Uganda, which took place from May to August 2023.

Supported by the Royal Danish Embassy, The SDG Champions collaborated with the Office of the Prime Minister's SDG Secretariat and the Uganda National NGO
Forum to organize four regional SDG Festivals in Western Uganda (Mbarara City),
Eastern Uganda (Jinja City), Central Uganda (Mubende District) and Northern
Uganda (Lira city). Activities included SDG walks, tree planting, citizen parliaments,
and stakeholder forums as well as involvement of local and national elected officials. 

The regional festivals served as a build-up to the 2nd Uganda Annual SDG Conference held in Kampala in June 2023.
2030beyond had the pleasure of providing training and guidance to the SDG champions before and after the implementation of the festivals.

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​Bygmestervej 57 I 2400 København NV I Denmark I CVR: 41504684 I © 2023 by 2030beyond
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