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People's Dialogue Festival, Kenya

Since March 2022, we have participated in the annual Kenyan People’s Dialogue Festival (PDF) in Nairobi, supporting the establishment and consolidation of the SDG Village at the PDF.


The PDF is organised by Center for Multiparty Democracy, Kenya, working closely with the group of SDG Champions who came to Denmark on the Danida Fellowship Learning Program in June 2021. Their experience at Bornholm inspired the champions to set up the SDG Village and involve stakeholders across sectors, including youth.


2030beyond facilitates the set-up of the “Culinary Conversations Corner” at the PDF with the participation of Danish and Kenyan culinary students, who – guided by our partners from nOmy – serve sustainable tasters to the festival visitors. In 2023 and 2024, we brought Danish students to the festival with support from the GLOBUS fund of the Danish MFA.


We also co-facilitated an SDG workshop at the Ni Sisi Ni Sasa Village for schools from Kenya and Denmark. The students presented their learnings from projects and new ideas about SDG action, inspiring each other to new activities at their schools.


In partnership with Constructive Institute, we have co-facilitated a workshop for parliamentarians and journalists about political culture and the relation with media.


Overskrift 1

Video from PDF 2024:

Made by students from FGU Hovedstaden

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​Bygmestervej 57 I 2400 København NV I Denmark I CVR: 41504684 I © 2023 by 2030beyond
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