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The global food sector has a major impact on climate and environment. Deforestation for agriculture, methane from livestock, use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, transport over long distances and a massive food waste throughout the value chain all contributes to global warming and environmental degradation.


Transforming our food production and consumption habits is essential for sustainable development. Implementing sustainable farming practices, using local and seasonal foods – and learning how to use the whole produce – are some of the ways to reduce environmental harm and cut down on transportation emissions as well as support local economies. 


This can all seem overwhelming and abstract for young people. How can they even begin to grasp the scope and complexity of global food systems, let alone know how to act on it and be part of the sustainable transformation? 


Crafts4SDGs is a colab between 2030beyond, nOmy and Danish vocational training schools that aims to address this vast challenge in a very concrete way and give young culinary and communication students new practical skills in sustainability within their fields while also engaging them in the SDGs and development cooperation. Throughout the project, the students develop solutions to global challenges, transitioning from learners to educators and ambassaders for change.


Culinary students from vocational training schools in Denmark and Kenya Utalii College in Nairobi learn how to use an SDG lens in their work to promote sustainable development within the food sector. As part of the project, the students work side by side to prepare sustainable tasters for their participation in the Kenyan Peoples Dialogue Festival (link til den underside) in Nairobi and the Danish People’s Meeting, Folkemødet (link til underside), Bornholm.  Here, they use their tasters as a conversation starter at the “Culinary Conversations Corner”/Verdensmålenes Madscene, engaging in dialogue and share their newly acquired knowledge.


At these events, students will experience how their expertise allows them to engage in democratic conversations with decision-makers, businesses, civil society, and other young people. They will develop the skills to effectively express their opinions and expertise for a more sustainable world.


These young students are the front-runners, bringing fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to the table. Ideas that are essential for addressing the challenges of tomorrow.


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