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Interview with Isnaraissah Munirah Bt Majilis, Malaysia  


Skærmbillede 2024-04-08 kl. 11.30.57.png

Chair of All-Party Parliamentary Group Malaysia on SDGs, since Dec 2022

In the Newsletter, we want to spotlight members of PfGG who are championing SDGs in
their parliaments, showcasing their achievements, sharing their successful strategies on
the implementation of SDGs in their parliament and community. This time, we
spotlight Ms. Isnaraissah Munirah Bt Majilis, Chair of All-Party Parliamentary Group
Malaysia on SDGs, since Dec 2022.





Role of the APPG within the Parliamentary Structure 
The APPGM's firm establishment within the parliamentary structure is highlighted by its focus on 

About the All-Party group     

The All-Party Parliamentary Group Malaysia (APPGM) for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) comprises 12 Members of Parliament (MPs), operating under a formal structure that mandates support from at least 5 MPs. Notably, the group embodies inclusivity, with a chair from the governing party and a deputy from the opposition, totaling 12 members across the political spectrum. 


Throughout the period from 2020 to 2023, the secretariat of the APPGM meticulously mapped local issues and spearheaded SDG-based solution projects in 85 parliamentary constituencies. Through extensive committee meetings and grassroots activities, the group effectively integrated the SDGs into parliamentary work, thereby addressing pressing socio-economic and environmental challenges across the nation.


In 2024, the APPGM established five SDG parliamentary focus groups, each addressing critical areas such as poverty, welfare, statelessness & refugees, food security, and environmental concerns. Co-chaired by MPs from both the government and opposition parties, these focus groups exemplify bipartisan commitment and provide a platform for informed discussions and policy recommendations on pressing developmental issues.







Role of the APPG within the Parliamentary structure    


The APPGM's firm establishment within the parliamentary structure is highlighted by its focus on MPs' participation in parliamentary discussions, pushing for policy changes and funding distribution to tackle challenges at local and national levels from the perspective of the SDGs. By bringing SDG concerns to the forefront of parliamentary discussions, these MPS ensure that sustainable development remains central to Malaysia's legislative and policy agenda. 


Additionally, the actionable policy suggestion made by MPs play a key role in informing legislative actions, thus reinforcing the group's influence on Malaysia's sustainable development trajectory. 


MPs, serving as SDG champions, play a crucial role in identifying and resolving constituency-specific issues, thereby fostering ground-level impact and constituency engagement.




Water Challenges and Clean Water Access in Malaysia  

The APPGM has been instrumental in localizing the SDGs in Malaysia. They have actively engaged in identifying and addressing local issues through multi-stakeholder partnerships, intintintegration SDG-based solutions into local development projects. The APPGM's approach emphasizes decentralized, community-involved processes and aims to ensure inclusive and balanced development that does not leave behind vulnerable communities. Their work including mapping local issues, designing and implementing solution-based projects, and monitoring and evaluating the impact of these initiatives. 


As an example of local action for SDGs, Hon. MS. Isnaraissah Munirah has initiated a gravity system project in Kampung Sayap. This has been instrumental in tackling water challenges and promoting sustainable practices in the community. By enhancing rainwater collection and implementing purification systems, the project has ensured a reliable supply of clean water while reducing dependency on single-use plastic bottles. 


This initiative has expanded to include ecotourism and chili fertigation, contributing to economic growth in Kampung Sayap. 


You can read more about their work on their webside 


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