About us
2030beyond was founded in July 2020 by Kirsten Brosbøl and Rina Lauritzen Trautner. We are registered as a non-profit (almennyttig forening) in Denmark. We are based in the vibrant neighbourhood of Nordvest in Copenhagen.
Kirsten Brosbøl
Founder & CEO
+45 29 85 14 12
Kirsten Brosbøl is CEO and runs the Parliamentarians for the Global Goals network. She is a former
Member of Parliament (2005-2019) and Minister of Environment (2014-2015) of Denmark.
During her time in Parliament, Kirsten founded and chaired the Danish All-Party Parliamentary Group on the SDGs in 2017-2019. She has worked on a broad range of issues such as foreign affairs, development cooperation, environment, climate and energy, education and science, and gender equality.
She is an Obama Foundation Scholar, European Young Leader and German Marshall Fellow.

Rina Lauritzen Trautner
Co-Founder & Deputy Director
+45 31 21 28 40
Rina Lauritzen Trautner is deputy director and head of SDG Festivals.
She has extensive experience with development cooperation from Danida, the trade union movement and civil society organisations.
Rina has headed programs of multi-stakeholder management, innovation, capacity development, civic engagement and involvement processes.
In 2017, she initiated the process leading up to the establishment of the cross-sector SDG-platform, ‘Verdensmålenes Plads’, at the Danish People’s Meeting at Bornholm.​

The Board

Claus Bindslev
Chairman of the Board
Founder and CEO of Nextstep by Bindslev

Jacqueline Bryld
Member of the Board
Teamleader, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Hanne Brinch
Member of the Board
Founder and CEO of
Found Aid

Mikkel Aarø-Hansen
Member of the Board
CEO of
Wonderful Copenhagen

Henriette Kinnunen
Member of the Board